超声波清洗机的清洗效果好,操作简单,人们所听到的声音是频率20-20000Hz的信号,高于20000Hz的声波称之为超声波清洗机,声波的传递依照正弦曲线纵向传播,产生大量小气泡 。一个原因是液体内局部出现拉应力而形成负压,压强的降低使原来溶于液体的气体过饱和,而从液体逸出,成为小气泡,另一原因是强大的拉应力把液体“撕开”成一空洞,称为空化。
The ultrasonic cleaning machine has good cleaning effect and simple operation. The sound heard by people is a signal with a frequency of 20-20000 Hz. The sound wave higher than 20000 Hz is called the ultrasonic cleaning machine. The transmission of the sound wave propagates longitudinally according to the sinusoidal curve and produces a large number of small bubbles. One reason is that the local tensile stress in the liquid forms a negative pressure. The reduction of the pressure makes the gas originally dissolved in the liquid supersaturated, and escapes from the liquid into small bubbles. The other reason is that the strong tensile stress "tears" the liquid into a cavity, which is called cavitation.
The ultrasonic cleaning machine can adopt linear amplification circuit and switching power supply circuit in the form of amplification circuit. The high-power ultrasonic power supply generally adopts the circuit form of switching power supply in terms of conversion efficiency. Linear power supply also has its unique application range. Its advantage is that it can not strictly require circuit matching and allow continuous and rapid change of working frequency. From the current situation of ultrasonic industry, ultrasonic is mainly divided into self-excited power supply and other excited power supply; The use of ultrasonic power supply is mainly to match according to the power, frequency and capacitance of the transducer. The self-excited type can be used for low power, and it is recommended to use the other excited type for high power.

Application method of ultrasonic cleaning machine
1. 超声波清洗机在进行操作时使用的电源是采用三芯插座(相线、零线、地线)。
1. The power supply used in the operation of the ultrasonic cleaning machine is a three core socket (phase line, zero line and ground line).
2. 超声波清洗机的清洗槽内必须要加入清洗液或者是水,其清洗液或者是水的液面不得低于清洗槽高度的三分之二(位置应于网篮上沿口平齐)。清洗时,请根据不同的清洗要求,添加洗涤剂,加强清洗效率,所有洗涤剂必须符合不腐蚀清洗机内槽、机体的要求。
2. The cleaning tank of the ultrasonic cleaning machine must be filled with cleaning liquid or water, and the liquid level of the cleaning liquid or water shall not be less than two-thirds of the height of the cleaning tank (the position shall be flush along the opening on the net basket). When cleaning, please add detergent according to different cleaning requirements to strengthen the cleaning efficiency. All detergents must meet the requirements of not corroding the inner tank and body of the cleaning machine.
3. 超声波清洗机会将被清洗物质放入金属框内,根据清洗物的积垢程度,在一定程度上设定清洗时间,一般3-10分钟,特别难清洗的物质,可适当延长清洗时间。(严禁把被清洗物质直接放在清洗槽底使用)。
3. The ultrasonic cleaning opportunity puts the cleaned material into the metal frame, and sets the cleaning time to a certain extent according to the scale degree of the cleaned material, generally 3-10 minutes. For the material that is particularly difficult to clean, the cleaning time can be extended appropriately. (it is strictly prohibited to put the cleaned material directly at the bottom of the cleaning tank for use).