Related technologies of high-pressure deburring cleaning machine
Nozzle technology: The nozzle is one of the key components of the high-pressure deburring cleaning machine. Different nozzle designs can achieve different cleaning effects and deburring capabilities.
For example, a nozzle system that can be individually adapted can ensure a high degree of workpiece flexibility and high precision.
Robot technology: Combining robot technology with high-pressure deburring cleaning machines can achieve automated cleaning and deburring processes.
例如,BvL 的 Geysir 机器人技术在运动半径、转换、改变加工顺序和新几何形状方面实现了最大的灵活性。使用机器人操作臂进行去毛刺也被视为一种有前景的技术,可以提高去毛刺的效率和精度,同时减少工人的劳动强度和危险。
For example, BvL's Geysir robot technology achieves maximum flexibility in motion radius, conversion, changing processing sequence, and new geometric shapes. The use of robotic arms for deburring is also considered a promising technology that can improve the efficiency and accuracy of deburring while reducing the labor intensity and danger for workers.
Sensor technology: using sensor technology in high-pressure deburring cleaning machines
Laser, visual, and force control sensors can achieve more flexible and automated deburring systems. These sensors can detect the shape, position, and surface condition of the workpiece, thereby adjusting the parameters for cleaning and deburring, improving the cleaning effect and deburring ability.
In summary, the high-pressure deburring cleaning machine is an efficient, flexible, environmentally friendly, and high-precision equipment with broad application prospects in industries such as automotive manufacturing, mechanical manufacturing, and casting. With the continuous development of technology, the performance of high-pressure deburring cleaning machines will continue to improve, and their application fields will also continue to expand.
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